Home CAR & BIKES Reckless biker fails to brake in time; dents my Nissan Magnite

Reckless biker fails to brake in time; dents my Nissan Magnite

Reckless biker fails to brake in time; dents my Nissan Magnite

I asked the motorist if he was ok and then asked him why he didn’t brake.

BHPian vamsi.vadrevu recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hi All,

I’ve had the misfortune of receiving a dent and a few scratches to my beloved car today.

I’m thoroughly disappointed and sad about scratches to my car! I keep thinking if there was a way I could have avoided this. Perhaps I should have pilot braked before actual braking. I didn’t think my braking was so sudden as to be considered as an emergency halt!

Should I claim insurance for these scratches? What would the cost be!

I know I should expect scratches and dents to cars in the city but this is heart-breaking!

I asked the motorist if he was ok and then asked him why he didn’t brake! He said blandly that he braked but the vehicle didn’t stop. I can however see in my own dashcam footage he was in fact accelerating while my vehicle was slowing down. He should have seen my brake lights come on!

Reckless biker fails to brake in time; dents my Nissan Magnite

Here’s what BHPian jomyboy had to say on the matter:

That is so disappointing to see. I’ve had a fair few incidents with bikers as well albeit at slower speeds, so kinda got away with minor scratches. I think an FNG can get it done for a reasonable price without insurance. I have only used my insurance once for a Rs 30,000 odd job and had every other dealer quoting that repair while selling my car.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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