Home CINEMA Is Jagan not bothered about farmers problems, asks Naidu

Is Jagan not bothered about farmers problems, asks Naidu

It is really shameful that Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, is acting in the most irresponsible way when the farmers in the State are suffering a lot, observed TDP president and former chief minister, Chandrababu Naidu, on Friday.

Chandrababu visited the crops damaged due to the Michaung cyclone at Amruthalur in Vemuru Assembly segment in combined Guntur district. Later, he told media persons that 80 per cent of the standing crops got damaged in over 30,000 acres due to the floods in Tenali Assembly segment while in Vemuru segment 90 per cent of the crop was damaged in about 90,000 acres.

Expressing concern that the paddy crop is totally damaged, Chandrababu said that each farmer has spent over Rs 50,000 per acre to grow paddy. “I am really pained to see the troubles of the farmers and till now not even a single official visited the areas,” the former chief minister pointed out.

Maintaining that the Chief Minister is flying in the sky, the TDP supremo regretted that those who are questioning the State Government on its failures are being harassed by filing false cases. No farmer is in a position to overcome this menace, the former chief minister expressed concern that drain water is flowing into the fields due to which the standing crop is getting damaged.

“Jagan Reddy does not know the difference between potato and onion. He is asking the farmers what potato is,” Chandrababu recalled in a sarcastic manner. Except committing unlawful acts, Jagan does not know anything else, he remarked.

When 60,000 acres in Repalle and 45,000 acres in Bapatla alone got damaged means one can easily assess the total damage of lakhs of acres in the whole State, Chandrababu observed. “I visited Visakhapatnam much before the Hud Hud hit the area and brought the situation under control,” he said, adding that the YSRCP leaders are touring the State in the name of Sadhikaratha Yatra (empowerment tour) by making false promises to the people.

Did the State Government construct even a single road in these five years, Chandrababu asked and said that he only destroyed all the systems in the State which began with Praja Vedika. Jagan feels that the people are his servants, the TDP supremo said and stated that such egoism is no longer tolerated in a democracy.

What did Jagan do in these five years except demoralising the Fasal Bheema, he said and asked the farmers whether any of them got any kind of insurance. “The efficiency of any Government comes out when a natural disaster hits the State and the inefficiency is thoroughly exposed with the Michaung cyclone,” Chandrababu remarked.

The ruling dispensation should function more responsibly than the Opposition, he felt and said that the Chief Minister is acting more irresponsibly. Demanding that Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000 be paid as compensation per hectare, Chandrababu told the farmers that if this Government does not pay the compensation within three months the coming TDP government will certainly come to the rescue of the farmers who suffered losses.

Pointing out that the Rs 30,000 paid for each aqua farmer during the TDP regime has been brought down to Rs 8,200 now, Mr Chandrababu demanded payment of Rs 50,000 to each aqua farmer. He also listed out how the compensation for various sections of farmers has been brought down drastically.

Recalling that he invited the Prime Minister the very next day when the Hud Hud cyclone hit the State, Chandrababu said that he will always remember the affection shown by the people when he was in distress. Assuring the farmers that he will certainly bring the State onto the track, Chandrababu Naidu called upon the farmers and the general public not to remain silent on this atrocious rule.

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