Home CINEMA Animal Telugu Didn’t Even Touch $1 MN

Animal Telugu Didn’t Even Touch $1 MN


Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s ‘Animal’ received mixed talk and reviews, but the movie is creating waves in Hindi and overseas markets, reaching a massive $10 million

What’s surprising is that despite mixed reviews in Telugu, the film has struck a chord with a segment of the youth audience. However, official tracking reveals that the Telugu version did not even reach $1 million, currently standing at $705,278.

Tamil 2D version reported a negligible $11,463.

Hindi version (excluding PLF and other formats) has grossed $8,127,387.

The stark contrast between the Telugu and Hindi versions raises eyebrows, even though some argue that many Telugu viewers watched the Hindi version. Nonetheless, the Telugu figures won’t match the Hindi gross, nor be satisfactory when compared.

Moreover, it is foolish to argue that Telugu people watching ‘Animal’ in Hindi is the reason for the $10 million gross. A recent Ranveer-Alias’s simple rom-com also made $10 million in Hindi.

So, achieving $10 million for a Hindi film is not an impossible feat solely with Hindi audiences.

It’s evident that the gross from the Telugu version cannot even be remotely compared to the pull of the Hindi version.

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