A newly launched film starring Ravi Teja and directed by Gopichand Malineni was canceled. Shocked, Ravi Teja began discussing a new film with other directors such as Harish Shankar and Anil Ravipudi. As a result, the combnation of Harish Shankar and Ravi Teja has solidified once more.
Their new film will be launched soon. Harish Shankar is currently working on a photoshoot with Ravi Teja. This action drama, which is said to be based on a Bollywood film, will feature Ravi Teja in a completely different role.
Ravi Teja and Harish Shankar previously collaborated on “Shock” and “Mirapakay”.
People Media Factory, on the other hand, confirmed today that the film “Eagle” will be released in theaters on January 13, 2024. Despite rumors that the film would be delayed, they have issued a statement stating that the Ravi Teja and Anupama Parameswaran starrerr will be released for the Sankranthi festival as previously announced.