Home CINEMA Bubblegum trailer: Bubbly girl, hotheaded boy!

Bubblegum trailer: Bubbly girl, hotheaded boy!

“Bubblegum” is the title of the film that stars Roshan Kanakala as the male lead. Roshan Kanakala is the son of well-known actors Suma and Rajeevi Kanakala. It is his debut film.

The trailer for the film was released today.

The trailer portrays Roshan Kanakala as a DJ looking to establish a name for himself in the music industry who falls in love with Janvi, played by Maanasa Choudhary. The true issue, however, begins with Janvi fooling him by seeing another guy. Roshan, who is madly in love with her, intends to demonstrate to the rest of the world what he is capable of.

The film is set in Hyderabad and directed by Ravikanth Perepu. Ravikanth Perepu is well-known for his films such as “Kshanam” and “Krishna and His Leela.” Roshan is a good fit for the role of a hothead young man, and Maanasa Choudhary has stunning looks.

The film is produced by Maheshwari Movies in collaboration with People Media Factory. “Bubblegum” is set to be released on December 29th.

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