Home NEWS Shreyas Talpade heart attack shows why men under 50 need to watch...

Shreyas Talpade heart attack shows why men under 50 need to watch their LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, go for heart screening | Health and Wellness News

As actor Shreyas Talpade underwent an angioplasty after suffering a heart attack, he has become one among the growing number of Indian men who experience a heart event before they turn 50. In fact, the Indian Heart Association says that 50 per cent of all heart attacks in Indian men occur under or at 50 years of age. Most of these incidents happen because of blockages in the arteries or from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), a condition where the electrical impulses in the heart stop suddenly.

And episodes are sudden in nature. Even Talpade was reported to be jovial on sets, had completed some action sequences while shooting a film and had gone home when he complained of uneasiness and then passed out. “What we don’t realise is that regardless of the amount of plaque deposited in our arteries, they can cause a problem anytime. Sometimes smaller clots may be non-threatening but once they are dislodged and tear the arterial wall, blood clotting happens turning them into a huge blockage in no time. It’s like some bushes on the sidewalk which just sit there on a normal day but get uprooted easily in squally weather and stop traffic flow on the roads,” says Dr Mohammed Rehan Sayeed, Consultant, Cardiovascular And Thoracic Surgery, Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru.


Of course, what caused Talpade’s heart attack is not known but there are triggers that people need to be aware of. Dr Sayeed feels genetic predisposition is the principal trigger among Indians. “Studies have shown that we are genetically predisposed to developing cardiac problems a decade earlier than our Western counterparts. Cardiac problems in Indian adults develop in the early to mid-40s and hence they are at a greater risk of experiencing angina or cardiac arrest.”

Indians are also genetically predisposed to piling up bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein or LDL) and triglycerides. “This is because of certain enzymatic deficiency and not just dietary habits,” he says. LDL builds up plaque and triglycerides contribute to hardening of arteries or thickening of their walls.

Of course, all of this gets complicated by co-morbidities like diabetes and hypertension. Then there are lifestyle management issues. “A vast majority of the population has a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle from a very young age which again puts them at a risk of many health issues and hidden cardiac problems. Any sudden changes such as starting vigorous physical activities or HIIT (high intensity interval training) and gymming may exacerbate the hidden cardiac conditions,” says Dr Sayeed. Women in their reproductive age group still have fewer heart attacks than men because of the protective power of estrogen.

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That’s because the signs are often non-specific and mimics problems related to acidity, a nerve or a gastric pain, adds Dr Sayeed.


A normal ECG, Echo and stress test may not be very effective in determining the condition of the artery. “A CT-coronary angiogram showing low calcium score and less than 30 per cent blockages is an indication of low or minimal risk of Coronary artery Disease (CAD). That’s why heart screening is important. Also, determining your diabetes status is one of the best ways to keep CAD at bay. Furthermore, if there is a family history of cardiac problems, it is highly recommended that you undergo regular master health check-ups, beginning as early as your 20s,” he says.

Those in their 40s and 50s to be on guard and rush to the hospital should they complain of shortness of breath, palpitations and episodes of near or total loss of consciousness, advises Dr Sayeed. Other than diet, moderate exercise and weight management should become mandatory regimes. Limit alcohol and smoking. “Eat in moderation. Small-sized meals (about six a day) may help you maintain your metabolism and weight,” advises Dr Sayeed.

© The Indian Express Pvt Ltd

First published on: 15-12-2023 at 11:28 IST

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