Home CINEMA Theatrical Revenue crucial for 2024 Biggies

Theatrical Revenue crucial for 2024 Biggies

The non-theatrical market of Telugu films has seen a sharp decline and there is no clarity about the deals of upcoming films. 2024 will be a crucial year for producers as there is a lot of risk. The digital players are quite selective and choosy. There is no clarity about the non-theatrical revenue of films featuring stars for now. The theatrical revenue will play a crucial role in the economics of all the films that will release in 2024. If the film does big in theatres, the producers will taste huge profits or else, they will have to suffer losses because of the unpredictable non-theatrical market.

All the top producers who announced several big-budget films are going ahead completing the films though they are not sure about making profits. It would take some time for the non-theatrical market to return back. The stars are strict on their remunerations and they are not ready to compromise. 2024 is a crucial year for producers as they would have to bear the risk or taste the profits.

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