Home NEWS PUBG Mobile guide for squad matches in Erangel (December 2023)

PUBG Mobile guide for squad matches in Erangel (December 2023)

One of the most famous maps in PUBG Mobile is Erangel, which offers a perfect mix of obstacles and terrain for team battles. To win squad matches on the Erangel map, a player must possess excellent individual abilities, remarkable teamwork, and sound decision-making.

This article will provide the tips needed to succeed in one of PUBG Mobile’s most well-known maps, whether you’re a seasoned veteran wanting to better your game or a rookie attempting to learn the ropes.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer’s opinions.

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Tips and tricks to win squad matches in Erangel in PUBG Mobile (December 2023)

1) Landing strategy

In PUBG Mobile, your team’s landing strategy might determine how the game plays out overall. It’s crucial to pick a landing spot that minimizes early-game confrontations while offering a respectable loot distribution.

Popular landing zones like School, Pochinki, and Georgopol might get crowded. Therefore, take into account less-used locations like Novorepnoye, Mylta Power, and Sosnovka Military Base. Have a conversation with your team and decide on a landing spot that everyone can agree upon to reduce chaos or divide looting.

2) Looting and load-outs

In PUBG Mobile, arrange your load-outs and make prudent loot. Erangel has an extensive collection of equipment, attachments, and weaponry. Concentrate on assembling a large arsenal of weapons, including designated marksman rifles (DMRs), sniper rifles, and assault rifles. Compensators, sights, and extended magazines are examples of attachments that are essential to improving your guns’ effectiveness.

Additionally, don’t overlook utility items like smoke and explosives for tactical advantages. Don’t forget to distribute any additional stuff among your teammates so that everyone is outfitted appropriately.

3) Map awareness and positioning

Maintaining awareness of the dynamics and positioning of the map within Erangel is imperative. Keep an eye out for the shrinking safe zone and place yourself there deliberately.

Avoid getting stuck in the blue zone by staying away from the edge. Establish defensive positions in structures or areas of natural cover after you’re inside the safe zone to make it difficult for adversaries to sneak up on you.

4) Communication and teamwork

The foundation of a successful squad is excellent teamwork and communication. Follow the directions for voice chat or quick chat to interact with your teammates. Decide where the opponents are, divide the spoils, and make a plan. Assign tasks to members of your squad, such as a healer or sniper, to increase efficiency.

Modifying your strategies in light of PUBG Mobile’s shifting meta is also essential. Whether you’re holding a compound or pressuring an opposing squad, cooperation and unity are crucial.

5) Late-game strategy

As you get closer to the end of the game, your tactics should change. Watch the kill feed to make calculated guesses about the remaining players, their positions, and the weapons they’re carrying. In Erangel’s final zones, take into account the high-ground advantage and be mindful of any possible third-party engagements.

It can be a very effective tactic to use smoke grenades to entice attackers by providing shelter and sound. Make healing and revives a top priority for your entire team to ensure that you perform at your best in crucial late-game scenarios.

In Erangel’s battlegrounds, keep practicing, stay current with the game’s meta, and never forget that cooperation makes the dream come true.

Disclaimer: PUBG Mobile has been banned by the Indian government. Those from the region are advised to try out Krafton’s Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), which is the Indian variant of the mobile title.

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Edited by Ritoban “Veloxi” Paul

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