Home CINEMA I-PAC For Jagan, Prashant Kishor For TDP?

I-PAC For Jagan, Prashant Kishor For TDP?

It is known that renowned political strategist Prashant Kishore met with TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu a little while ago. This all but confirms the coming together of Prashant and TDP in the coming elections. Prashant led YCP to a huge win in 2019 through I-PAC services and he will now work in the ranks of YSRCP.

Coming to the point, Prashant’s collaboration with TDP is leading to doubts on Jagan’s continual association with I-PAC which is in effect even for the 2024 elections.

As per the hearsay, I-PAC is currently being led by Rishi Raj Singh and Jagan is still in contract with this political agency. It is just that Prashant Kishor has opted out of the company operations and is operating on his own terms.

As it turns out, I-PAC, let by someone else other than the proven Prashant Kishor is working with Jagan while Prashant himself could be joining TDP’s arsenal.

It is clearly seen that the parties in AP are going all out for the 2024 elections. It all comes down to how effective Prashant’s winning tactics for Jagan in 2019, will now be moulded for TDP and its supremo Chandrababu Naidu. Needless to say, Prashant will be aware of the AP political scene after working extensively on the 2019 polls.

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