Home NEWS The ambitious riverfront expansion on the Sabarmati River in 7 phases, GiftCity...

The ambitious riverfront expansion on the Sabarmati River in 7 phases, GiftCity will then extend to New Gandhinagar.

Gandhinagar, Friday

The riverfront built on the banks of the Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad will be extended to Gandhinagar as the second phase of the project. In particular, delivery of the riverfront to Gift City covers four phases and the remaining three to Gandhinagar. An expenditure of 1300 crores has been planned at the primary stage.

Shobha Group will invest 1000 crores in this project

The first phase includes Ambedkar Bridge-Daphnala and it is currently in operational mode. The second phase covers 4.5 kilometers from Dafnala to Indirabridge. Work on this phase has started, while the third phase will bring the riverfront from Indira Bridge to Narmada Canal. Its length is 4 kilometers. His work will begin after the Vibrant Summit. Dubai-based Shobha Group will invest Rs 1000 crore in this project.

Sources in the Urban Development Department said that the fourth phase will cover PDPU Bridge to Shahpur Bridge (Gift City). This phase covers 4.5 km which will be started soon and will be completed in two and a half years, while phases 5 to 7 will be announced later, which will cover New Gandhinagar area.

Construction of four ghats on both sides of the river bank

Phase-II includes residential, commercial, green parks, road network, which will be greener than the existing portion. A barrage cum bridge will be constructed to maintain the water level in the river. 354 crores is estimated for the first phase to start the 9.3 km long riverfront in Gandhinagar. In the first phase, the area up to PDPU, Gift City and Shahpur Bridge has been covered. The project will have high walls and construction of four ghats on both sides of the river bank.

Citizens of Gandhinagar will get a new facility

The government has accepted the proposal to use natural topography instead of concrete in the wharf to be built near the riverfront of Gift City. Areas including Raisan, Randesan, Dholeshwar Mahadev will come up in the seven phases of Gandhinagar's riverfront. Currently, work is going on for Ahmedabad Riverfront Phase-2 up to Indira Bridge. Then, in the near future, the citizens of Gandhinagar will get a new facility near the riverfront near Gift City.

The third phase will cover four kilometers of riverfront to the Narmada Canal, the construction of which will begin after Vibrant Summit.

Timeline of Gift City's Riverfront…

Total Length: 70+ Km (35+35)

Total 7 phase project


Location: Ambedkar Bridge Dafnala

Length: 23 km (11.5 + 11.5)

Status: Operational


Location: Dafnala Indira Bridge

Length: 11 km (5.2+5.8)

Status: Under construction

Phase Completion: 2025


Location: Indira Bridge Narmada Canal

Length: 8 Km (4+4)

Status: Work will start after Vibrant Summit


Location: PDPU Bridge to Shahpur Bridge (Gift City)

Length: 9 Km (4.5+4.5)

Status: Work will start soon

Expiration date: 2.5 years

Phase-5,6,7 will happen in the coming years.

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