Home NEWS Holiday Email: Creative Out-Of-Office Messages For Christmas And New Year

Holiday Email: Creative Out-Of-Office Messages For Christmas And New Year

Creative Out-Of-Office Messages For Christmas And New Year

(Picture Credit: Freepik)

It’s that time of the year again when everyone feels the need to unwind, relax, socialize and make merry. The Christmas bells and the promise of new year is when most of us go on long breaks from work to rejuvenate and recharge. It’s only warranted to take a few days off after putting in a lot of hard work. Since everyone feels jolly this festive season, it makes sense to come up with smart and creative out-of-office messages that can bring a smile to the face of your colleagues and clients as well.

It’s time to ditch the boring out-of-office messages. Wondering how to spice it up? We have some templates ready for you.

Template 1

Hi there,

You’re reaching me at a time when I am merrily busy bidding adieu to 2023 in absolute style. However, if your message is urgent, you can resend it to me with a subject line that says ‘It’s urgent’.

If not, I suggest you also clink glasses of champagne with your loved ones and enjoy the last few days making memories.

Will revert to you in the new year now.

Best wishes,

(Your name)

Template 2


I wish I could respond to you promptly, but I can’t. Busy wrapping gifts for Christmas, I am loving the festive season to bits. Hope you’re indulging in cheese cakes and all sorts of goodies too.

I am on leave from (…) to (…) and will reach out to you on (…).

Till then, take care, have fun and make memories!

And oh, by the way, you’ll receive a Christmas gift soon 🙂 You’re welcome 🙂

Best wishes,

Your name

Template 3


The allure of Christmas bells and hope of kickstarting the new year on a celebratory note is keeping me away from office. Thank you for your mail, but I guess it will have to wait for my revert till (…). Thank you for your patience.

If there’s anything urgent, then you can always call me on my cell phone.

Best wishes and hugs,

Your name

Template 4


I am quite zoned out, thanks to the festive spirit and the tons of glasses of champagne. Making the most of my paid leave, I am enjoying the festive season to the hilt. Will respond to your mail as soon as I get back.

Hope you have a wonderful time on Christmas and happy new year 🙂

Love and best wishes,

Your name

Template 5


I am currently in bliss and in my hometown for a few days to celebrate Christmas and New Year with the ones who matter the most to me. I don’t know about me, but they will certainly mind if I start replying to my mails. Such suckers for attention, I tell you! I request you to wait for my response till (…).

Hope you too are busy making the most of the festive season with your dear ones.

Best wishes,

Your name

Template 6

Your email has reached my mailbox, but I guess it will get my attention on (…). I am at the moment busy binging on cookies, wine, plum cakes and hot choco fudge. And no, I didn’t say all this for you to salivate. But now that you’re salivating, I suggest you too gorge yourself on cookies and sweets.

Will discuss work once I get back. Thank you for your patience.

Best wishes,

Your name

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