Home NEWS ‘Josephine was so enigmatic and unusual’: Vanessa Kirby who played Napoleon’s wife- The New...

‘Josephine was so enigmatic and unusual’: Vanessa Kirby who played Napoleon’s wife- The New Indian Express

Express News Service

Vanessa Kirby speaks to Katie Ellis about essaying the role of Josephine in the historical biopic, Napoleonand the Oscar buzz surrounding the film:

How would you describe Napoleon, the film?

It is an epic. Joaquin Phoenix is extraordinary as Napoleon, and what (director) Ridley Scott has created is incredible. It’s his finest historical biopic, and an amazing character study. I am proud to be a part of it.

You play the role of Napoleon’s wife, Josephine. What can you tell us about her?

She is a survivor; someone who was mercurial, and yet could adapt to her circumstances. She really did have an extraordinary life; one that I didn’t know much about, until I researched for the film. She came from the tiny island of Saint Martin in the Caribbean, so she was not from the Parisian society at all. Then, aged just 16, she married an aristocrat, but during the French Revolution, they were both imprisoned. Her husband was beheaded, but Josephine freed herself. She went on to become part of a new wave of female liberation, and head of the fashion movement. When she married again, it was to a young general called Napoleon, who was to become the leader of an empire.

Take us through the kind of research you did for the role.

I read a lot of books. One, by Kate Williams, was particularly helpful. I learned about what it was like to be a woman in an extremely masculine world. I found I had a lot of empathy for Josephine in how she managed to remain dignified despite everything. She deeply moved and inspired me.

How much of yourself did you incorporate in this role?

I felt like I had to bring less of myself, and actually pull back my own personality a lot. Josephine was so enigmatic and unusual. She had to repress her feelings in order to survive, so that is how I approached playing her.

Vanessa Kirby and Joaquin Phoenix in ‘Napoleon’ | Apple TV+

How was working with Joaquin as Napoleon to your Josephine?

Amazing. I love him, and it was magical to recreate the intimacy and intensity between the two historical figures.

What aspect of Josephine’s relationship with Napoleon are you most excited for the audiences to see?

Their playfulness, even though that was very strange in what was such a different period. Despite being a dysfunctional relationship in many ways, they had this chemistry, which was potent.

What was the most challenging aspect of making this film?

Simply the fact that it was set in such a brutal time. It was hard, but we realised we had to laugh, sometimes between takes, to get through that. We had to bring some lightness to it because the intensity of this world was overbearing.

What do you hope audiences will take away from watching this movie?

I hope they feel compassionate towards this extraordinary woman, who had quiet power, and for the unusual love that she and Napoleon shared.

Napoleon is a different kind of big-budget movie compared to your last film, Mission: Impossible. How would you compare and contrast working on one after the other?

They are polar opposites. With Mission: Impossible, (director) Chris Columbus would do 40 or 50 takes, so you can play around. Ridley, on the other hand, does only a couple of takes on multiple cameras, so it’s almost like theatre. They’re both wonderful, but different experiences.

What do you think about the Oscar buzz surrounding Napoleon?

I just can’t think about it. In many ways, I still feel like the little theatre girl doing plays, so anything like that seems unbelievable to me. I just wanted to do Josephine justice.

There are rumours that we may see you in a Marvel superhero movie. Is that something you would do?

All I can say is that it would be an honour to join the Marvel Universe in any element.

What is next for you?

I’m excited to bring more real women to the screen in female-led films. I have been working with my sister and Lauren Dark, our producing partner, on a slate of films, which will help achieve that goal.

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