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Stage being set for Praja Palana, first people’s outreach programme, of the new government

Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy at a meeting with senior officials, district Collectors and superintendents of police to review the arrangements for the Praja Palana programme, on Sunday.

Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy at a meeting with senior officials, district Collectors and superintendents of police to review the arrangements for the Praja Palana programme, on Sunday.

The stage is being set for Praja Palana, the first public outreach programme of the newly elected Congress government for taking governance to the doorsteps of the common man.

The programme will be held from December 28 to January 6 in all the villages and wards across the State to receive grievances/applications from the people for their early redressal. Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy held a meeting of senior officials, district Collectors and superintendents of police to review the arrangements for the Praja Palana programme being conducted by the Revenue department.

Accordingly, meetings will be conducted in every village by the officials concerned to receive the applications and special officers have been appointed for all the 119 Assembly constituencies of the State in this direction. Two teams, one headed by mandal revenue officer and the other by mandal parishad development officer, would be constituted at the mandal level. These teams would visit two villages every day and conduct meetings from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and again from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in these villages.

The Chief Minister directed the police officials to coordinate with special officers and ensure that Praja Palana was organised in a planned manner. Special attention should be given to women by setting up special counters to receive their applications and officials should behave in a responsible manner.

Applications in the prescribed format would be sent to the villages in advance so that people could carry them to the gram sabhas for submission. This was planned to avoid the scope for heavy rush of people at the time of conduct of gram sabha.

The Chief Minister said the programme had been designed to ensure that the benefits of the government schemes reached the last mile and the government was committed to fulfil the promises made to the people in the run-up to the elections. “The government has put its trust in you (administration) and has put the responsibility for the effective conduct of Praja Palana,” he said.

Asserting that his government was “friendly”, he said the government would remain so as long as the administration discharges its duties effectively and wins the appreciation of the people. “The government will review the implementation of the programmes to ascertain whether there is negligence in discharge of duties,” he said.

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