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Telangana | Stage set for the launch of Praja Palana aimed at taking governance to the doorstep of people

Telangana Chief Minister unveiled ‘Praja Palana’ logo and application form, in the presence of his cabinet colleagues at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat in Hyderabad on December 27, 2023.
| Photo Credit: Nagara Gopal

The stage is set for the launch of Praja Palananataking government to the door steps of the people, on Thursday. The programme has been conceived as people, especially those from the remote and far-flung areas, are experiencing difficulties in meeting officials to represent their grievances and seek their redressal. Telangana Government has decided to reach out the helpless and extend help to them through Praja Palana.

According to Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, the Government was not available to the people in the last 10 years and the governance had not reached them. The hardships people faced in submitting their grievances could be seen from the huge number of applications received during the Praja Vani programme prompting the Government to take governance to the people, thus avoiding the scope for difficulties in representing their problems.

The programme, spanning eight working days between December 28 and January 6, envisages official teams visiting two villages a day and receiving applications from the people in a prescribed format during the gram sabhas in the respective villages. The Chief Minister formally unveiled the logo, application form and his message relating to Praja Palana in the presence of his deputy Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, Cabinet Ministers and senior officials.

The presence of elected representatives and officials in their midst to receive their grievances would instil confidence among the people. “This will signal an end to the system where Government functioned within the barricades limiting access to people,” the Chief Minister said.

Explaining as to why the Government was inviting applications from the needy people, he said the Government needed information relating to the beneficiaries, to ensure that the benefits of welfare schemes reach to the last mile. “Moreover, the information will enable the Government to understand the requirements and fix targets to ensure the benefits reach the deserving. For instance, we may get 50 lakh applications to avail cylinders at Rs. 500 each. This will help us in identifying the beneficiaries and take steps for their welfare,” he said.

He said people could also submit their requests for ration cards and other benefits in separate forms at the gram sabhas during the Praja Palana and the applications would be received even after the conclusion of the programme. “People need not be in a hurry. They can submit their applications to the respective MPDOs and MROs even after January 6,” he said.

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