TS Inter Exams | Hyderabad: The schedule of inter-annual exams has been finalized. The exams will be conducted from February 28 to March 18, 2024. But the main exams will end on March 16 itself. Exams will be conducted for bridge course students till 18th March.

TS Inter Exams | Hyderabad: The schedule of inter-annual exams has been finalized. The exams will be conducted from February 28 to March 18, 2024. But the main exams will end on March 16 itself. Exams will be conducted for bridge course students till 18th March. The state government approved the proposals made by the inter-board on Wednesday. Interboard will release the annual exam schedule in a day or two. The exams will be conducted from 9 AM to 12 PM. Examinations are conducted on one day for the First and on the other day for the Secondary. For the first time this year, English practicals will be organized for the junior students. In this background, the English paper has been reduced to 80 marks. The officials will release the complete schedule including annual exams, practicals exams and internals within a day or two.
Ten exams from March 18..!
The authorities are also working on the schedule of the 10th class annual exams after getting clarity on the inter-examinations. According to the latest information, there are possibilities to organize from March 18. The exams will be conducted for seven days and will end in the fourth week of March. The SCSC board is working on making the exam schedule for this. Conducting the 10th class exams every year after the end of the inter exams is becoming an exception. After the finalization of the inter schedule, the officials of the SC Board were asked and they said that there is a possibility of conducting the exams in the third week of March.