Home CAR & BIKES Long wait times for spares of my Aerox 155: Involved in an...

Long wait times for spares of my Aerox 155: Involved in an accident

The Yamaha service centre placed the order 6 days after the accident with no ETA available as of yet.

BHPian quicksilver101 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Brother took the Aerox out for a short ride on Sunday, and this happened. He was diagonally tailing a rickshaw at low 20-30kmph speeds. The rickshaw suddenly wildly swerved out from its lane and into his. He braked enough to not get hurt, but not enough to avoid contact. [Turns out the Rickshaw was avoiding a sudden wrong-way car that turned the corner at high speed, so not the rickshaw’s fault either]

But here’s the damage:

The scooter didn’t even fall (the scratches you see on the side fairing are from a previous side stand fall, already in this thread), so it wasn’t a big impact. But the side fairing broke off nonetheless since it is just plastic. Looking at the damage, the connected fairings also have their hooks broken, and the number plate holder is also lifting.

I’m fine with the bike getting damaged (no I am not, but relieved no one got hurt). But now begins the wait of getting the spare parts from Yamaha. The official service centre has like 20-30 part requests pending that haven’t been delivered yet, and my request is now at the bottom of this list. I placed a request with the service centre on Sunday itself, and when I followed up with them on Thursday, they still had not placed the order forward to Yamaha since the company was closed (yes, their words).

This is my second side fairing change (I got the same one changed once before when it was lightly scratched, only for the bike to fall again and get a deeper scratch). Last time took ~15+ days, but at least I could use the bike. Right now, I can’t since the number plate holder might just fly off anytime, and the broken fairings are sharp and can hurt someone.

Yamaha knows this side fairing is the most replaced part on the Aerox after the suspension. Yet…

I also got a big front brake disc a day before this happened lol. Did not get the chance to install it. Maybe if the brake bite was sharper, this wouldn’t have happened. Oh well…

Update: They placed the order yesterday, i.e. 6 days after taking an advance from me. They don’t have a shipping confirmation yet, so they can’t provide an ETA either.

Meanwhile, I approached a local reseller. He was confident he could get the panel, but turns out even his sources are dried up for the left front side panel. He took a look at my bike and fixed up some of the panels that had gotten loose. The panel below the headlight has one of the side connectors broken, so I would need to replace that too. Opting to get it done from him since it is cheaper and presumably quicker than the official service centre.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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