Home CAR & BIKES My experience using the Jiomotive car connect on my Maruti Jimny

My experience using the Jiomotive car connect on my Maruti Jimny

My experience using the Jiomotive car connect on my Maruti Jimny

Wi-Fi speed is really good and it’s free for 1st year with the device.

BHPian Manuggn recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I purchased new Jimny AT zeta last Monday and got Jiomotiv installed. Here is the quick summary.

I was looking a device for live tracking of car with basic alerts and jiomotiv fits the bill. Additionally it gives Wi-Fi in your car and you connect upto 8 devices. Ordering the same was easy I ordered from Amazon and got delivered same day in Gurgaon.

I installed the JioThings app and setup the device was easy just connect the device in your car OBD port and follow the instructions on the app. In order to use the device eSIM needs to be activated which takes around 1 day after you configure the device in app.

Once activated the app let you track the car real time and shows basic car details like – speed, rpm, battery level etc.

It also shows history of all trips with driver rating for each trip.

You can also jeofence and timefence the car.

App also give you option to maintain fuel logs and add car docs which is a good feature.

Wi-Fi speed is really good and it’s free for 1st year with the device.

Overall really happy with the performance and I think it’s a good buy.

My experience using the Jiomotive car connect on my Maruti Jimny

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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