It is known to all that Tollywood star hero Young Tiger NTR is now working on a huge Pan India film called “Devara” with director Koratala Siva. And yesterday, the makers gave a massive update from this film and more expectations were formed on this film. Meanwhile, it is known that Tarak recently went to Japan for a vacation. But earthquakes started there unexpectedly and shook the country of Japan.
Due to this, there was a lot of damage and on the other hand, NTR was there with his family and it became a tension among the fans. But recently Tarak gave an update on his case. He said that he has reached India safely. But this is very painful for Japan and I wish them a speedy recovery, he said. With this, the update given by Tarak gave some relief to the fans.
Back home today from Japan and deeply shocked by the earthquakes hitting. Spent the entire last week there, and my heart goes out to everyone affected.
Grateful for the resilience of the people and hoping for a swift recovery. Stay strong, Japan ????????– Jr NTR (@tarak9999) January 1, 2024