Home NEWS Jeffrey Epstein List: Ex-Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz had sex with minor

Jeffrey Epstein List: Ex-Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz had sex with minor

Hundreds of pages of documents from a lawsuit connected to Jeffrey Epstein have been publicly released. The list has mentioned big names like Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and Michael Jackson.

In a bombshell revelation, the documents also named Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who has been accused of having sexual relations with one of the minor victims (The Dershow With Alan Dershowitz/YouTube screenshot)

In a bombshell revelationthe documents also named Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who has been accused of having sexual relations with one of the minor victims.

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What is Alan Dershowitz accused of?

“One such powerful individual that Epstein forced then-minor Jane Doe #3 to have sexual relations with was former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, a close friend of Epstein’s and well-known criminal defense attorney,”the documents say. “Epstein required Jane Doe #3 to have sexual relations with Dershowitz on numerous occasions while she was a minor, not only in Florida but also on private planes, in New York, New Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In addition to being a participant in the abuse of Jane Doe #3 and other minors, Deshowitz was an eye-witness to the sexual abuse of many other minors by Epstein and several of Epstein’s co-conspirators.”

“Dershowitz would later play a significant role in negotiating the NPA on Epstein’s behalf. Indeed, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement that provided immunity from federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida not only to Epstein, but also to “any potential coconspirators of Epstein.” NPA at 5. Thus, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement with a provision that provided protection for himself against criminal prosecution in Florida for sexually abusing Jane Doe #3. Because this broad immunity would have been controversial if disclosed, Dershowitz (along with other members of Epstein’s defense team) and the Government tried to keep the immunity provision secret from all of Epstein’s victims and the general public, even though such secrecy violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act,” it adds.

‘I had an innocent relationship’

After the list was released,Dershowitz said onThe Dershow With Alan Dershowitz that he was nothing but Epstein’s lawyer. “I had an innocent relationship with the man I didn’t know, nobody suspected, had done anything wrong,” he said.

‘I did nothing wrong’

Prior to the documents being unsealed, Dershowitz had said he wants every last document related to Epstein to be released, stressing that it will serve as evidence that he“did nothing wrong”. “The reason I wanted everything put out– and I don’t think the judge put everything out, I think she was selective in what she put out and that’s unfair,” he told NewsNation.

“I want everything out, every document, every piece of paper, half-truths or lies, and I wanted them out for personal reasons because I know that they would prove what I’ve said from day one – that I did nothing wrong,” he added.

Dershowitz also stressed that“the woman who accused me later admitted that she may have misidentified me, confused me with someone else”. “So I wanted everything out right from the beginning because I have nothing to hide,” he added.

Dershowitz notably representedOJ Simpson in his murder trial and former president Donald Trump in his first impeachment trial.

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