Home NEWS If provoked, America-D. Wipe out Korea's name, Kim Jong orders the...

If provoked, America-D. Wipe out Korea's name, Kim Jong orders the army

North Korean dictator Kim Jong's America, d. Hostilities with Korea are known. Currently they are constantly launching spy satellites. He has ordered his army to be ready. Kim Jong has ordered his army to wipe his name off the face of the earth if America and South Korea take provocative action against him.

The presidential election is to be held in the month of November 2024 in America. It is believed that North Korea may further accelerate its weapons tests this year ahead of the US presidential election. Last week, Kim Jong-un announced in a meeting with his officials that he would launch three more military spy satellites this year, produce more nuclear weapons and develop attack drones. Political observers say that Kim Jong intends to increase diplomatic pressure on the US in the future.

Kim Jong-un held a meeting with the army's commanding officers on Sunday and said it was necessary to keep the most valuable weapon, the nuclear bomb, ready for attack to protect national security. Kim stressed that if the US and South Korea take provocative action against North Korea, their (South Korea's) military should without hesitation mobilize all their major resources and launch a counterattack to completely destroy the US and South Korea.

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