The famous movie Rowdy Rathore is making a comeback with a sequel, bringing excitement to fans of the original Akshay Kumar-Sonakshi Sinha action drama. Despite several years of speculation, it appears that the sequel is finally gaining momentum, and producers Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Shabina Khan are in talks with renowned Tamil director Pa. Ranjith.
Ranjith is known for his realistic storytelling in films like Madras, Kabali, and Kaala. This sequel could mark his debut in Hindi cinema, with plans to start production in the second half of 2024. While the cast for Rowdy Rathore 2 remains undecided, the filmmakers are waiting to finalize the director before approaching actors. Although Akshay Kumar played the iconic Vikram Rathore in the first installment, it remains uncertain whether he will return or if a new actor will take on the role. Prabhu Deva, the director of the original in 2012, won’t be returning for the sequel.
Currently, Pa. Ranjith is occupied with other projects, including Thangalaan, featuring Vikram and Sarpatta Parambarai Round 2 starring Arya.