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Overall market sentiment has been high on Aurora Mobile Ltd – ADR (JG) stock lately. JG receives a Bullish rating from InvestorsObserver Stock Sentiment Indicator.

What is Stock Sentiment?
Sentiment uses short term technical analysis to gauge whether a stock is desired by investors. As a technical indicator, it focuses on recent trends as opposed to the long term health of the underlying company. Updates for the company such as a earnings release can move the stock away from current trends.
Recent trends are a good indicator of current market sentiments. In its most basic form, stocks that are trending up are desirable by investors while stocks currently falling must be unattractive.
InvestorsObserver‘s Sentimental Indicator tracks both changes in price and volume to analyze the most recent trends. Typically an increase in volume indicates ongoing trends are getting stronger, while a decrease in volume usually signals an end to the current trend.
Available options can also represent current sentiments for a given stock. Since investors are able to bet on future trends of stocks using options, we consider the ratio of calls to puts when analyzing market sentiments .
What’s Happening With JG Stock Today?
Aurora Mobile Ltd – ADR (JG) stock is trading at $4.47 as of 10:49 AM on Monday, Jan 8, a gain of $0.36, or 8.72% from the previous closing price of $4.11. The stock has traded between $4.19 and $4.69 so far today. Volume today is 53,336 compared to average volume of 55,155.
To see InvestorsObserver’s Sentiment Score for Aurora Mobile Ltd – ADR click here.
More About Aurora Mobile Ltd – ADR
Aurora Mobile Ltd provides stable, and accurate developer services for educational and medical products. It is focused on providing companies with stable and efficient push notification services. It offers data services such as iAPP which helps the investors to analyze opportunities in the sector, Anti-fraud helps to identify the fraud risks, iAudience, iZone and other related services. The company operates and generates its revenue from the People’s Republic of China.
Click Here to get the full Stock Report for Aurora Mobile Ltd – ADR stock.