Home CINEMA Elon Musk’s Shocking Statement On H-1B Visa

Elon Musk’s Shocking Statement On H-1B Visa

Elon Musk

Elon Musk spoke out about immigration in the United States, expressing his views on the need to make it easier for skilled workers to come in legally while putting a stop to illegal immigration. He found the current situation “madness” and suggested a halt to illegal immigration, coupled with a significant increase in legal immigration.

Taking to X/Twitter, Musk stated that entering the U.S. illegally is easy, while legal immigrants face immense difficulty. He emphasized the need to change this and posted in response to a chart about pending applications from highly skilled individuals for H-1B visas.

In addition to his concerns about illegal immigration, Musk pointed out the predetermined limit for H-1B visas set by Congress at 85,000 per year and demanded the government to increase it. He highlighted data from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), expressing dissatisfaction with the restrictions on legal immigrants.

The H-1B visa allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers for specialized jobs, and Musk highlighted its importance for skilled professionals, particularly in the tech industry. He referenced a chart showing the growing number of H-1B applicants over the past two decades.

Musk criticized the current Biden administration for what he sees as actively facilitating illegal immigration. He argued that the numbers clearly indicate a problem with the current approach, calling it a “disaster.” He also mentioned the challenges faced by major cities like New York due to the influx of migrants and criticized the current administration for not doing enough to address the issue.

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