Home NEWS Rabbit’s AI device crosses day 1 target sales by 20X

Rabbit’s AI device crosses day 1 target sales by 20X

When Santa Monica-based AI startup Rabbit showcased their latest innovation at CES 2024, they set a target of 500 units.

However, they sold 10,000 on the first day of pre-sale.

You heard that right—a whopping 10,000 units on the first pre-sale day.

The r1, Rabbit’s custom-built AI device, introduces the Rabbit OS powered by a proprietary Large Action Model (LAM), eliminating the need for multiple apps.

Rabbit’s compact handheld device r1.

A compact design, powerful features, and the promise of a seamless online experience add gloss to the r1. The device, approximately half the size of an iPhone, features a 2.88-inch touchscreen, a rotating camera, and a user-friendly scroll wheel/button combination for effortless navigation.

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