Earlier, Aashika Ranganath acted in the film “Amigos” opposite Kalyan Ram. Her second film in Telugu… Naa Sami Ranga. She acted opposite senior hero Nagarjuna in this movie. There is a gap of 35 years between the two. But in this movie she acted opposite “Young” Nagarjuna.
“My character's name in this is … Varaum. Lucky to get a chance to act with a big hero like Nagarjuna. I played a character with two different shades. It is a pure commercial entertainer with Telugu flair. Nagarjuna is a very sweet person. I will never forget acting with him,” she said.
In this film, she romanced Nagarjuna, who was much older than her. “Nagarjuna has a romantic hero image. He is ever young. There are good romantic scenes between our characters. They are entertaining,” she said, noting that the age gap between them should not be overlooked.
Many people call Aashika junior Anushka. “It's a pleasure to say that. Comparing her to her is a compliment. Moreover, I like Anushka. She has done many great films,” said Bhama.
It also says ready for glamor show. “I do glamor roles. I also do films where acting is a priority. “In 'Na Sami Ranga', acting is the priority.”
Her dream is to act in Rajamouli's films.