Home CINEMA Indian Boys In US Accent Sold Viagra & Other Drugs!

Indian Boys In US Accent Sold Viagra & Other Drugs!

Indian Boys Sold Viagra

The Mumbai police had arrested 10 individuals, who were accused of running an illegal call center in Andheri East and selling drugs like Viagra and Tramadol to US citizens while posing as American pharmaceutical executives.

The police reported that the accused used Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service with American intonations to attract their victims. They sold the drugs from virtual pharmacies like Status Online Pharmacy and Gate Pharmacy and were paid in US dollars.

The police stated that the drugs were acquired from one Salman Motorwala from Mumbra who is one of the three at large accused in the case. The other two are Rashid Ansari and Irfan Qureshi who are believed to have masterminded the racket.

The accused has been arrested by the police under a number of clauses in the Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act for cheating, impersonation, identity theft and elimination of evidence.

The police have also confiscated the computer system, server, router, laptop and mobile phones from the call centre and they are attempting to restore the information that has been deleted.

The police argued that the illegal drug trade resulted in revenue loss not only to the state and central governments but also created a health hazard for the consumers.

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