Home GADGETS Verizon will once again raise its monthly prices for many existing customers...

Verizon will once again raise its monthly prices for many existing customers in March

While Verizon and T-Mobile used to fiercely compete for the title of best US wireless service provider not that long ago by constantly one-upping each other with attractive promotions, killer freebies, and increasingly value-packed plans, the two seem to be vying for the worst carrier “trophy” nowadays with price hikes upon price hikes, class action lawsuits, security mishaps, and… even more price hikes.

By then, you should be made well aware of your “situation” in relation to this impending $4 monthly price hike with customary notifications via text messages and emails. Of course, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell if a billing change is around the corner on one’s Verizon account.
If you’re on an “older” Mix & Match plan, expect to pay 4 bucks more than before per line each month starting in March. If instead you’ve already upgraded to a myPlan option, you’re safe (for now) and you’ll continue to spend exactly as much money as you do right now.

Yes, it’s all pretty simple and straightforward, but that doesn’t mean what Big Red is doing here is very… fair, basically pressuring subscribers who feel perfectly comfortable with their current plans to switch to “newer” and “better” ones.

That’s obviously a tactic as old as time, and both T-Mobile and AT&T have employed similar strategies of their own in the recent past to try to squeeze more revenue out of their users. That being said, this Verizon move seems especially egregious, both in terms of timing and value.

$4 a month is a pretty big price hike that everyone will notice and probably take an issue with, particularly when it arrives so quickly after a large controversy over a demonstrably unfair fee… that Verizon has no intention to discontinue and could instead increase soon enough as well.

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