Home CINEMA 4 BRS MLAs Meet Revanth Reddy: What’s Up?

4 BRS MLAs Meet Revanth Reddy: What’s Up?

While interacting with the media today, Congress senior leader Komati Reddy Venkat Reddy claimed that over 30 BRS MLAs will join the Congress party after the Lok Sabha polls are wrapped up. Everyone thought this was a political gimmick to downbeat the spirits of BRS.

But the newest political happening in Telangana politics is giving an insight into Komati Reddy’s statement. In a highly intriguing incident, four BRS MLAs met with Telangana CM Revanth Reddy just a few minutes ago.

BRS MLAs Sunitha Laxma Reddy (Narsapur), Kotha Prabhakar Reddy (Dubbak), Gudem Mahipal Reddy (Patancheru) and Manik Rao (Zaheerabad) met Revanth at his residence in Hyderabad.

The official word is that this is a courtesy meeting and the BRS MLAs met Revanth only to ‘congratulate’ him on becoming the CM. But media speculations are already on the rise that this meeting is more than just a ‘courtesy call’. Social media is buzzing that Congress has started ‘Operation Akarsh’ in Telangana to attract BRS MLAs to their side and this meeting is just the tip of the iceberg.

But for the time being, we should see this meeting as a courtesy. Only time will tell if Congress is actually looking to poach BRS MLAs like the way how KCR poached 12 out of the 18 MLAs Congress had in 2018.

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