Home NEWS Major Inderjit Sachin of Munger will be the parade commander on Republic...

Major Inderjit Sachin of Munger will be the parade commander on Republic Day in Delhi, got the opportunity for the second time

Munger: Sikh Regiment officer Major Inderjit Sachin, resident of Munger, Bihar. 26 January Will be present at the war memorial in the role of parade commander. During this time, he will give command during all national programs and only on his command, programs including saluting the martyrs at Rajghat etc. will be organised.

Sachin will play the role of parade commander: In fact, on January 26 at around 10 am, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will first go to the war memorial to pay tribute to the martyrs. After the Prime Minister garlands the martyrs, after Major Sachin takes command, Prime Minister Modi will salute the martyrs and will also observe silence in the memory of the martyrs. The silence will end after Major Sachin takes command again. Major Inderjit Sachin will play the role of parade commander in the function organized at Rajghat.

Tricolor will be hoisted in Beating the Retreat program: After this, Beating the Retreat program will be organized in Delhi on 29th January. In which Major Sachin will hoist the national flag in the presence of the President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Defense Minister and chiefs of the three armies. This is a matter of pride not only for Munger but for entire Bihar.

Major Inderjit Sachin with relatives

Major Inderjit Sachin with relatives

What is Beating the Retreat Program?: It is said that Beating the Retreat marks the end of the Republic Day celebrations. Beating the Retreat program is organized every year on 29 January. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh will welcome the Prime Minister on his arrival. The chief guest of the ceremony will be His Excellency the President, who will be led by the Prime Minister.

Major Sachin will lower the national flag: After beating the retreat, Major Sachin will take down the national flag and carry it respectfully in both his hands. As Major Sachin will lower the national flag in Beating the Retreat, the national flag will be slowly lowered from 8 places in Delhi in the same sequence. These places are Rashtrapati Bhavan, Lok Sabha Constitution Building, Vayu Bhawan, Rail Bhawan, North Block, South Block and Shastri Bhawan.

Major also hoisted the flag in 2021: Let us tell you that in 2021 also, Major Sachin had hoisted the national flag in Beating the Retreat. Major Sachin is the only officer in history to have the privilege of hoisting the national flag in two Beating the Retreat ceremonies. With this, on January 31, the President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Home Minister, Defense Minister and heads of the three armies will pay homage to the Father of the Nation at Rajghat, the Samadhi of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi.

“My son is currently serving as a Major in the Sikh Regiment of the Indian Army. He is a member of the Ceremonial Battalion of Rashtrapati Bhavan. Exjutant Is. This time he will play the role of parade commander in the ceremonies organized at the War Memorial and Rajghat.Nilambar Singh, Major Sachin's father

Were successful in UPSC CDS in 2018: Major Inderjit Sachin is the grandson of famous advocate Godhan Prasad Singh, resident of Bhagat Singh Chowk, Munger and Nilambar Singh is the son of advocate and housewife Saroj Suman. He is originally a resident of Agrahan village of Haveli Kharagpur block area of ​​Munger district. Major Inderjit Sachin had secured 26th rank in UPSC CDS 2018 examination. Major Sachin got inspiration to join the army from his uncle Brigadier Kunwar Singh, his cousin Colonel Nishant Singh and his cousin sister-in-law Lieutenant Colonel Shivani Singh.

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