Home NEWS Govt. to revitalise village revenue system: Ponguleti

Govt. to revitalise village revenue system: Ponguleti

Minister for Revenue, Housing, Information and Public Relations Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy along with Deputy Collectors’ Association State president V. Lachi Reddy, Tahsildars’ Association president S. Ramulu and others release the New Year Revenue Diary in Hyderabad on Sunday.
| Photo Credit: NAGARA GOPAL

Minister for Revenue Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy said that the State government would revitalise the village revenue system, and criticised the previous government for abolishing the Village Revenue Officer (VRO) and Village Revenue Assistant (VRA) system, alleging that it was done for vested interests.

During an event where the New Year diary and calendar were unveiled at the Ministers’ residences here on Saturday, Mr. Srinivas Reddy expressed concern at the impact of abolishing the VRO/VRA system on villagers, underscoring the need to appoint at least one employee from the revenue department in each village. He also made it clear that the current government would ensure timely payment of salaries to government employees between the 1st and 5th of every month.

Mr. Reddy emphasised the vital role of the revenue system as a bridge between people and government. He criticised the previous government’s implementation of Dharani portal, stating that the reforms were executed erroneously. The Minister affirmed the government’s commitment to examining and rectifying issues with the Dharani portal to ensure justice to people.

Deputy Collectors’ Association president V. Lachi Reddy and other members of the associations attended the event, where the Minister urged them to work with dedication, highlighting the positive impact their efforts have on the government’s reputation.

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