A new feature is currently being tested by WhatsApp in its Community group chats that has the potential to simplify event planning. This feature automatically prioritizes upcoming community events by displaying them prominently on the community info screen.
Currently, individuals or group administrators have to manually pin important messages, like details about upcoming events. However, in the latest beta version of the WhatsApp Android app (v2.24.3.20). this manual step might not be necessary at all anymore.
Image Source: WABetaInfo
This new functionality builds upon a previously discovered feature that allows users to schedule events within group chats by tapping the attachment icon. Combining these features creates a streamlined process for organizing and staying informed about community happenings.
Since it is only available in Beta for now, only a select group of users are currently testing this feature. However, based on WABetaInfo’s reporting, it seems that the feature is very close to being released to the public. It is worth noting that the WhatsApp Beta is available via the Google Play Store, but requires signing up for the beta program, which has for the past few years proven to be very difficult as it is always full to capacity.This automated pinning feature can be a great asset for busy WhatsApp Communities that usually have several events going on. Removing the human element of having to manually pin the event every time, can be a reprieve for admins, since they will no longer have to worry about events being buried in the calendar or getting overlooked.