Home CINEMA Maratha Marvel: India’s UNESCO Bid 2024-25

Maratha Marvel: India’s UNESCO Bid 2024-25

Maratha Marvel

Great news for India! If everything goes well, we will have another World Heritage Site in our country. The Maratha military base is being considered as an option.

India’s Ministry of Culture has announced that they will be nominating 12 forts of Maharashtra for the World Heritage Site designation in 2024-25. Maratha forts are renowned for their brilliant architecture in challenging terrain. Although there are around 300 forts in Maharashtra, only 12 of them are being considered for this honor.

These forts, developed between the 17th and 19th centuries, not only symbolize the power of the Maratha Kingdom but also served as protective barriers against invasions.

The 12 forts nominated include Shivneri Fort, Salher Fort, Lohgad, Khanderi Fort, Raigad, Rajgad, Pratapgad, Suvarnadurg, Panhala Fort, Vijay Durg, and Sindhudurg in Maharashtra. The 12th fort, Gingee Fort, is situated in Tamil Nadu.

These forts were the pride of Maratha rulers, and their scale, structure, and design are truly marvel-worthy. The collective nomination of these forts as the Maratha Military Landscape is indeed cause for celebration. Have you had the chance to visit any of these forts yet? Let us know.

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