Home CAR & BIKES 4×4 vehicle for farm duties: Buy a Hilux or wait for electric...

4×4 vehicle for farm duties: Buy a Hilux or wait for electric 4×4 SUVs

I already have a Mahindra Thar convertible that rocks but space becomes an issue, especially for the farm trips.

BHPian asterix08 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I have a farm on the outskirts of Bangalore, the access to which is not the best and gets full of slush and potholes during rains. Outside the farm, in general, I drive a fair amount and hence for safety prefer a 4×4. I currently have a Thar convertible that rocks but space becomes an issue esp for the farm trips.

Hilux seems to be the best option (assuming the discounts come back sometime in 2024), but I also want to be green. Any upcoming electric 4×4 SUVs in 2024 that are worth waiting for or is Hilux the best option? Looking to learn more about EVs and see inputs from the wise folks in the group.

Here’s what GTO had to say about the matter:

Go for the Hilux, or wait for the 4-door Thar which will solve your primary complaint of space with your current 2-door Thar.

I expect Mahindra & Tata to both launch AWD Electric SUVs in 2024-25, but would recommend avoiding the initial versions. These companies & their customers will both be testing the newly launched products.

Here’s what BHPian thebikemaster had to say about the matter:

Your requirement is perfect for the workhorse Hilux. There is no other product which matches your ‘farm’ requirements.

The electrics may feel green now, but I don’t think they are ‘real green’ as of now. For the hard amount of torture and capabilities farm road/requirements throw, no electric SUVs can handle it.

Get the max offers out there and go Hilux’ing.

Here’s what BHPian Shankar Balan had to say about the matter:

Definitely consider the Hilux if you require the cargo bed to transport materials and produce.

Else you can go to Azad in Hosakote and do the tumble fold modification as I have done in my Thar. It liberates significant space in the back and suddenly the WRONGLER has become a hugely practical, powerful, tough, go-anywhere, load-carrying runabout!

This modification cost me about 5K and he has some other options too which may carry different pricing.

Ref EVs. I am also interested in them as an alternate-fuelled mobility option. They really are a blast to drive but they cannot at the moment, be said to be ‘Green’ in the strictest sense of the word. The Ioniq5 and EV6 are really gorgeous. There is a lot of discussion on the various EV threads on the forum.

Here’s what BHPian Axe77 had to say about the matter:

I’d vote for the Hilux. I have heard that Hilux is continuing to be sold with 10 lakh rupee discounts even into 2024 so it’s a good time to pick it up at the right price. It sounds like the perfect solution for you. (Top-of-line AT is being retailed at 37’ish on road in MH is what I’d heard).

I would wait for EV 4×4 options to come and even settle in well via an iteration or two before betting on them. The good thing with the Hilux bought at right price is that as a Toyota, it’ll hold its value well, whether you sell in 3 – 4 years or even if you sell a bit later around 5 – 8 years. It won’t be a depreciation disaster I hope despite being a niche lifestyle vehicle.

Here’s what BHPian Jeroen had to say about the matter:

Never ever wait for a new model, unless it will be available tomorrow. You might be dead before the new model comes out. And there will be a new model announced a few months after you get your new model.

It simply is not worth the wait and aggravation I find.

Plan for the future but live in the present. Buy stuff now so you can enjoy it now.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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