Of course, she reportedly pocketed Rs 3 crore for her maiden female-centric film ‘The Girlfriend’ since it was affordable and viable too since she is crowd puller of that film. “The Pushpa actress was busy while she was drawing anywhere around Rs 2 crore to 2.5 crores and worked with stars like Mahesh Babu, Allu Arjun, and Vijay Devarakonda and she has to work with other big stars too, so revising her pay would fetch her plenty of offers since her popularity and charisma are intact,” he points out.
She is looking forward to the much-hyped film ‘Pushpa 2’ and a big film with Tamil star Dhanush and also surpassed her rivals like Tammannaah, Shruti Haasan, and Kajal Agarwal(who are taking Rs 2.25 to Rs 3 cr per film) in remuneration. “Producers of superstar films always prefer a heroine who is affordable because they have to cough up more money to heroes, it is simple arithmetic,” he concludes.