Home CINEMA Sharmila And Sunitha Abused: Hyderabad Police File Case

Sharmila And Sunitha Abused: Hyderabad Police File Case

Published on: 11:41 pm, 5 February 2024

Distraught by the social media attack on her and her family, YS Sunitha approached the cyber wing of Hyderabad police last week and lodged a complaint. Upon preliminary investigation, Hyderabad police have filed a case based on Sunitha’s complaint.

Sunitha mentioned in her complaint that her family and YS Sharmila were badly abused by a section of social media users. She even presented proofs of social media posts where a user asked Jagan to kill both Sharmila and Sunitha to remove opposition.

The preliminary complaint is on a ‘X’ user named Yarra Ravinder Reddy who shared the post about killing both Sharmila and Sunitha. He had shared abusive posts about Sunitha in the past also.

The police filed the case under the sections 509, 509 IPC, and 67 IT. These are punishable penal codes and those found guilty in the case will have to face elaborate legal consequences.

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