Megastar Chiranjeevi is now Padmavibhushan Chiranjeevi. First he became a supreme hero. After that he became a megastar. Now Padma Vibhushan has been awarded. But in the industry, heroes and others call Chiranjeevi as elder brother. Others say boss.
But they have an okay nickname for him. Mother's name is Anjanadevi Shankar Babu. And Chiranjeevi's best friends,
Chiranjeevi's full name is Konedala Sivashankara Varaprasad. His friends called him KSSV Prasad because he could not call him such a big name. After some years that Prasad also disappeared. It was called KSSV. A few years later, the same name in Flow changed to KSV. This is his nickname.
And people like Allu Arvind and Ashwanidat call Chiranjeevi as KS.