Home CINEMA 'Rajadhani Files' People's Cinema: Makers

'Rajadhani Files' People's Cinema: Makers

Director Bhanu says that the release of “Rajadhani Files” will not be disturbed by any obstacles. He said that this is a film that reflects people's lives.

Akhilan, Veena, Vinod Kumar and Vani Vishwanath are playing pivotal roles in this film which is slated to release on February 15.

“This is the agony of the farmers. We have portrayed the farmers who sacrificed thousands of acres of land for the construction of the capital to politics. Everyone should feel responsible and support this film and support the farmers' families,” the producer urged.

Vinod Kumar, who played the lead role in the film, says that the film “Rajadhani Files” is not a political film. “This is the plight of farmers. This is their story,” declared Vinod Kumar.

“This is a public film. This is a people's film that conveys the pain of the capital's farmers, a film made for the benefit of the people. I will go to any extent if anyone creates obstacles for this. Director Bhanu will do anything to show the people's film for the people.

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