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Unveiling the nutritional powerhouse

HYDERABAD: Healthy eating has become a priority for many, as people increasingly seek alternatives to support a healthier lifestyle. Understanding the benefits of unfamiliar foods can be enlightening, and one such example is sprouted coconut. Offering a myriad of health benefits, sprouted coconut has the potential to enhance one’s well-being and fitness. Aparna Sasidhar Devarakonda, known for selling sprouted coconut under the brand name Coconut Flowery, has garnered attention at Numaish. We explore these unique coconuts further as we engage with him.

Reflecting on the inception of his venture, Devarakonda shares, “In 2018, I stumbled upon the idea. By 2020, I decided to pursue it full-time. A family friend expressed interest in sprouted coconuts, sparking my curiosity. With little initial knowledge, I delved into research, connecting with farmers in East and West Godavari. This experience proved invaluable, teaching me about cultivation and supply chain logistics. Presently, I distribute them in Tamil Nadu.”

Differentiating sprouted coconut from its conventional counterpart, Devarakonda explains, “While a regular coconut primarily contains water, sprouted coconut houses flowers within. These flowers develop from the water content while the coconut is in the ground, owing to cultivation techniques. Harvested coconuts undergo drying before being planted, resulting in the unique sprouted variety.”

Enumerating the health advantages, he asserts, “Sprouted coconut aids in blood sugar regulation, particularly beneficial for diabetics. Consistent consumption over six months yields noticeable improvements. Rich in calcium, it fortifies bones and bolsters digestive health with ample fibre content. Moreover, its vitamin composition combats elevated cholesterol, mitigating risks of heart attacks and strokes while reducing the likelihood of kidney stones.”

Regarding availability beyond Numaish, Devarakonda laments the financial setback of exhibiting independently yet emphasises the importance of raising awareness. “Although my stall incurs losses, it serves the purpose of familiarising customers with sprouted coconut. While I supply to various stores like Ratnadeep, Vijetha, Reliance, Puro Natural, and Polimeras as a wholesaler, increased awareness could boost sales. Encouragingly, notable establishments like Pista House have expressed interest in featuring sprouted coconut on their event menus.”

Aparna Sasidhar Devarakonda

Elaborating on his serving approach, he mentions, “At Numaish, I offer sliced sprouted coconut topped with jaggery, a delightful combination. With a shelf life of one month, it’s advisable to consume promptly once opened.”

In summary, sprouted coconut presents a flavourful and nutritious addition to dietary choices, promising a range of health benefits for those seeking wholesome alternatives.

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