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Putin Prefers Biden As US President, Trump Takes It As A Compliment

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he would rather see President Biden as the US President than former President Donald Trump. He says Biden is ‘more predictable’ than Trump.

According to the remarks provided by the Kremlin, Putin said, ‘Biden. He has more experience, and he is more predictable too, an old-school politician. That said, we will work with any leader of the United States who has the trust of the American people.’

Though he expressed his preference for Biden, Putin criticized the White House, saying, ‘I believe that the current administration is pursuing what amounts to a harmful and erroneous policy. This is what I told President Biden back then’.

Donald Trump responded to Putin’s comments and described them as a ‘great compliment’ at a rally in South Carolina. ‘Now that’s a compliment. … And of course, he would say that. He doesn’t want to have me. He wants Biden because he’s going to be given everything he wants, including Ukraine’, said Trump.

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