Hyderabad: The state’s total revenue for 2020-21 amounted to Rs 1,00,914 crore, including Rs 66,650 crore in taxes. The remaining 34 per cent was through non-tax revenue (Rs 6,101 crore) and funds received from Centre (Rs 12,691 crore) and grants-in-aid of Rs 15,471 crore.
The CAG report said a detailed scrutiny of 1,456 registered documents of stamp duty and registration fee revealed under assessment valuing of Rs 3.44 crore in 347 documents. As these were only illustrative and needed a deeper probe.
As regards motor vehicle taxes, non-raising of demand led to non-realisation of quarterly tax of Rs 6.18 crore while non-levy of penalty of Rs 3.09 crore from the owners of 5,121 vehicles. In 26 offices, fitness certificates of 1,33, 871 vehicles were not renewed resulting in non-realisation of FC fees amounting to Rs 10.62 crore. The CAG said that land revenue in four offices by way of regularisation fee was short levied due to incorrect classification and incorrect adoption of market value of the land. This resulted in a short levy of regularization fee amounting to Rs 99.88 lakh in 32 cases.
In 12 offices, conversion tax was short levied due to adoption of incorrect market value of the land and penalty was not levied on deemed conversion of land. This resulted in a short levy of conversion tax and non-levy of penalty amounting to Rs 79. 76 lakh in 34 cases.