Home CINEMA No Ticket For Kodali Nani? Sensational Banner In Gudivada

No Ticket For Kodali Nani? Sensational Banner In Gudivada

For the last decade, Kodali Nani can be considered a fierce loyalist of YS Jagan. He has been serving as Gudivada MLA since 2004 and he won twice on the YCP ticket (2014 and 19) and given this, it is easy to think that he will retain his Gudivada MLA ticket in 2024 also.

However, Jagan who has been relocating MLAs and MPs appears to have not spared his loyalist Kodali Nani either. A sensational banner that was set up at the heart of Gudivada has spurred a big debate now.

The banner is set up by local YCP leaders congratulating YCP senior Hanumantha Rao for getting the Gudivada MLA ticket on behalf of the YSRCP.

This banner has raised doubts about Kodali Nani’s future in Gudivada and led to everyone thinking that Jagan is replacing Kodali with Hanumantha Rao as YCP Gudivada MLA candidate. The internal talk among the YCP cadre is that Hanumantha Rao got a call from the chief minister’s office and he will be given the Gudivada ticket in the place of Kodali Nani.

Even last month, Kodali Nani slapped his thigh about contesting from Gudivada and challenged Chandrababu to come and contest here if he has the guts. But this sensational banner at the heart of Gudivada has implied that Kodali might be replaced with Hanumantha Rao by Jagan.

Hanumantha Rao is a stoic loyalist of YS family and if he gets Gudivada ticket in the place of Kodali Nani then it could mean a huge deal. No one expected Jagan to even consider the idea of replacing Kodali Nani who fought fiercely for the YCP boss. Gudivada politics are the focal point of political discussions in AP at this point.

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