Home CINEMA Sajjala’s Cover Drive On Prohibition Promise!

Sajjala’s Cover Drive On Prohibition Promise!

Updated 22:12 February 19, 2024

YS Jagan-led YCP government failed to implement the prohibition of alcohol in the state, as promised during the 2019 elections.

When asked about the same, Advisor to the Government, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy tried to cover it up.

Speaking to the media, Sajjala said that prohibition of alcohol is like a dream and it is being implemented in a phased manner.

He said that the government fulfilled 99% of promises made in the manifesto but prohibition of alcohol is one thing which couldn’t be fulfilled due to practical problems. He went on to say that the government bettered the economy by shutting down the old belt shops and acquiring the rest.

However, it is too late for Sajjala to cover up the government’s failed promise.

All these days, when the opposition parties raised questions about the prohibition of alcohol implementation and condemned the issuance of new licenses, the government stayed silent.

When the elections are nearing, the ruling party leaders are trying to cover their failure by petty excuses.

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