Home CINEMA Thousands Of Chinese Crossing The USA Border!

Thousands Of Chinese Crossing The USA Border!

In the last few months, we have heard a lot of news about Indians illegally migrating to the United States. But is it only the Indians who are making this long and treacherous journey in hope of a better life? This recent video might surprise you as it shows thousands of Chinese nationals walking their way into the US border through a dangerous path crossing Latin America.

The Chinese are not usually the suspects when it comes to illegal immigration. But the new trend suggests that there are tens of thousands of Chinese who are entering the USA through Mexico. They pay a large sum of money to the smugglers who arrange for the transfers.

The long path takes them through 9 countries before they reach the US border and they are often subjected to very hostile conditions. It is believed that some of these asylum seekers make this trip for the hope of a better future in America.

There are also many who have left China because of fear. Those who feel threatened by the CCP often leave the country to seek asylum in other countries. The growing number of Chinese illegal immigrants is a matter of concern for the United States which is already dealing with an acute immigration problem.

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