Megastar Chiranjeevi was the chief guest at the pre-release function of mega prince Varun Tej’s upcoming aerial action drama Operation Valentine which was based on real incidents. Apart from the film unit, the event was also attended by some other guests as well, including Naga Babu, Karuna Kumar, Sagar K Chandra, Krishna Chaitanya, etc.
Naga Babu revealed a few incidents to describe the greatness of the Indian army. He appreciated his son Varun Tej for picking unique subjects every time.
Shakti Pratap Singh Hada said, “While shooting this film, I saw young Naga Babu and young Chiranjeevi in Mega Prince Varun Tej. Varun is one of the finest stars we have in our industry. This film is full of emotions, drama, action, and adventure.”
Varun Tej said, “Megastar Chiranjeevi graced the occasion and it means the world to us. Shakti Pratap is a very passionate filmmaker who is going to show the heroics of Indian Air Force officials in the movie. While we do our best to protect our family. The soldiers sacrifice many things and fight for the nation at the border. Operation Valentine is a small chapter to portray their greatness. Every Indian should watch the movie.”
Chiranjeevi said, “I feel proud to attend this event, given this patriotic film is about India’s strong counter to the Pulwama Attack incident. Shakti who made the movie on a moderate budget with such grand visuals is an inspiration for upcoming filmmakers. I was informed that the movie has come out well. Films like Operation Valentine need to be encouraged. Varun Tej is showing his versatility by picking different scripts. This, I think, is the first Telugu movie on airstrikes.”
Operation Valentine is set for release on March 1st.