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Major products for manned lunar exploration enter preliminary development stage: Chinese space authority

China's space plans in 2024. Graphic:Xu Zihe/GT

China’s space plans in 2024. Graphic:Xu Zihe/GT

In 2024, China’s manned space program will coordinate two major tasks of space station application and development, and manned lunar exploration, authorities revealed on Thursday. Major products for flying to the moon such as launch vehicles, manned spacecraft, landers, and lunar suits have all entered the preliminary design and development stage.

Taking solid steps toward the goal of building a strong aerospace nation, all works related to the application and development phase of the space station are progressing steadily according to the plan, and various tasks in the lunar exploration project are under smooth development and research, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) told the Global Times on Thursday.

Since entering the application phase of the Tiangong space station, China has successfully completed two cargo resupply missions, two manned missions and two return missions.

Currently, the Shenzhou-17 crew stationed at the Chinese space home is in good physical and mental condition. They are expected to return to Earth by the end of April, CMSA said.

Two more manned missions and two cargo supply missions to Tiangong are planned for this year. In January, the Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft smoothly made it to the space station, while subsequent missions include the Shenzhou-18 and -19 crewed flights, as well as the Tianzhou-8 cargo flight.

The taikonaut crews for the Shenzhou-18 and -19 missions have been selected and are undergoing intensive training.

Additionally, over 150 space science research and application projects have been put in orbit for implementation, covering areas including space life sciences, human research, microgravity physics and space new technologies, which have led to numerous internationally advanced applications and technological achievements.

Besides manned space engineering projects, China is also eyeing the realization of the country’s first crewed landing on the moon by 2030. Relevant works related to the goal are now being carried out with an accelerated pace.

Major products including the Long March-10 launch vehiclethe Mengzhou new-generation manned spacecraft, Lanyue lunar lander and lunar suits have entered preliminary design and development stage according to the plan.

The supporting test launch facilities and equipment for the lunar mission at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China’s Hainan Province will also be fully initiated for construction, with various system-related research and development efforts progressing steadily.

“China has always upheld the principles of the peaceful use of space featuring equality and mutual benefit, as well as common development. In the future, we will continue to advance international cooperation projects with organizations such as the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs,” the CMSA said.

The agency added that China is willing to share its achievements of its manned spaceflight development with countries around the world, especially developing countries, to jointly promote the development of space technology worldwide, and make positive contributions to the peaceful use of space for the benefit of all mankind.

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