Lieutenant Colonel Pradeep Kumar, the Officer Commanding of NCC 1 Telangana Girls Battalion, Secunderabad, along with the eight cadets in Hyderabad.
The Republic Day camp contingent representing the NCC Directorate of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana showcased exceptional performance in New Delhi. Comprising cadets from the 69 Battalions of both the Telugu States, the 1 Telangana Girls Battalion NCC, Secunderabad, stood out with its outstanding achievement – eight girl cadets representing the Directorate contingent.
The selected cadets – Sita Prapoorna, Kokila, Padmavati Kulkarni, Anugna Bairi, Raghavi, Vaishnavi Singh, Vaishnavu Mudupu, and Swarna – underwent a rigorous selection process at Unit, Group, and Directorate levels, participating in numerous camps and overcoming tough competition for the Republic Day camp selections, said a release.
Lieutenant Colonel Pradeep Kumar, the Officer Commanding of 1 Telangana Girls Battalion NCC, Secunderabad, on Wednesday highlighted the contribution of the eight cadets to a contingent of 128 cadets, drawn from all the battalions both the Telugu States, which was the result of a well-planned, systematic, and focused approach.