Ananya Nagalla, a Telugu actress, has achieved acclaim for her performances in movies such as “Vakeel Saab” and “Mallesham”. While she has previously portrayed the main lead in a few movies, this was the first time she took on a woman-centered horror drama.
She performed in the film ‘Tantra’, helmed by debutant director Srinivas Gopisetti, scheduled for release on March 15th. The film centers around her. It is a horror drama.
During the film’s promotional activities, Ananya Nagalla discussed various aspects of her profession, including her encounter with the casting couch.
“I have never encountered a casting couch experience. I did not experience any instances of sexual harassment on the film set. I have been lucky,” she stated.
Ananya Nagalla also stated that she has been receiving offers despite not achieving major commercial success as a leading actress.