Home CINEMA Divorce Talk: Nayanthara Trying Too Hard?

Divorce Talk: Nayanthara Trying Too Hard?

Nayanthara Divorce

Nayanthara and her husband, Vignesh Shivan, recently went on social media to clear up rumors about their marriage. People got worried when Nayanthara stopped following Vignesh on Instagram, thinking they might be breaking up.

But they quickly showed everyone they were still together by posting a sweet picture with their twin sons, Uyir and Ulgham.

They’ve been sharing lots of pictures lately on social media, maybe more than usual, to show they’re happy together and not thinking about divorce. Some people find it odd they’re posting so much to debunk divorce rumors and to prove they’re okay.

Nayanthara shared on Instagram how happy she was to travel with her boys after a long time, with a picture of them having fun together. Vignesh shared the same picture, showing they’re sticking together.

Their trip to Jeddah for the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix was all over Vignesh’s Instagram, giving a peek into their adventures and the beautiful places they visited as a family. These moments show they’re committed to each other and their family.

By sharing their happy moments, Nayanthara and Vignesh are trying to show there’s no trouble in paradise. But some wonder why they’re spending so much time and effort debunking rumors they think are baseless.

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