Home GADGETS One runaway prison laptop caused 1,200 incarcerated students to lose their devices...

One runaway prison laptop caused 1,200 incarcerated students to lose their devices — jailbroken laptop spurs prison officials to issue a recall of now-unsecured notebooks

An enthusiast recently “jailbroke” a laptop used by prison inmates for educational courses, ultimately resulting in sensitive passwords being posted online. This has now spurred prison officials to confiscate 1,200 laptops from incarcerated students.

When we reported on the infamous “prison laptop” (or Securebook 5) in February, it was covering Twitter user @zephry_wenting busting open the device by painstakingly replacing the BIOS without removing power to the board and then replacing the default OS by soldering a USB hub onto the laptop. Following the installation of Ubuntu MATE and FreeDoomone would assume that was the sunsetted end of our pleasant laptop prison break escapade.

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