Home CAR & BIKES 70,000 km with my RE Bullet 500: Obervations after a 4,000 km...

70,000 km with my RE Bullet 500: Obervations after a 4,000 km road-trip

While in WB, I had to visit a few places and that took around 736 kilometers.

BHPian majumdarda recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Amun-Ra touched 70000 kilometers while on a Solo trip of approximately 4500 kilometers. Interesting? Please read along!

Remembering the time when I got Amun-Ra, way back in 2013, and one of the rides from my bucket list was to do a Pune – WB and back, someday!

The clock ticked away merrily and it tricked me further. At a time, when Standard was the IN thing, to a time, when its more of a statement. Priorities changed and somehow my wish for a P2B2P, took a back seat; until the February of 2024.

Due to some emergency, I had to visit home and March being the Final exams time, family would not be able to accompany me. With flight ticket prices beyond the horizon and Bholu not assuring confirmed berths on such a short notice, the option left with me was to drive all the way. But then, that has a problem on its own as doing a solo, in a car, will make me feel sleepy and I did not find much confidence. So what else?

With various thoughts doing their respective rounds, why not try with Amun-Ra? The first thing that struck me was the idea of doing a “SOLO”! Till date, I have not done a solo till Goa, and this is WB, a commendable distance of approximately 2000kms each side. Nah! Not possible! The feeling of uncertainty, read “what-If”, became too sound to ignore! And to top it all, is the fact that I have a habit of loosing directions, no matter how simple the directions are, even with Aunt G shouting at the top of her voice!

Sensing the rather calmness, Wife inquired and was given a simple advise. “It’s something which you have been longing ever since, so if I am confident to go ahead, I should!” Anyways, long story short and after inquiring on various portals about hotels and route, I decided to move ahead on the 9th.

Since I do not have a proper tail bag, I decided to get one from Wroom. All these times I have been using the good old duffel bag (be that Ladakh or Goa) but the fact that if I have to remove anything, the only way is to un-mount the entire assembly; The challenge crops up when I have to remount since the entire setup changes, and is a time waste. My ’14 Cramster’s tank bag had served me well all these times, but thought of getting a new one from Wroom anyways.

Thankfully not much was required from the servicing aspect since Amun-Ra has been properly serviced at all times, the friendly technician suggested to go for a full synthetic, considering the distance and temperature! Also got a BoBo’s and it was some experience while procuring it. Strangely, though it was showing available at Croma online, the first few shops could only direct me to the next one. Online prices from other vendors were on the higher side; Fortunately I could manage one at a deep discount when I had started to loose hope. Got a Woscher inflator and since that operates via the cigarette lighter, had to buy an appropriate fitment which can be connected to the mains, should there be a need. The Bags from Wroom reached me on the 6th and WOW! Such a huge package it is. Now I have to stuff stuff so as to do justice

On the 7th, the main stand connector broke off and though I was planning to get a new stand, the welding technician advised that he can do a good job and welded it back. And some work he has done! The welding holds ground and now I am thinking that should I change the main stand or continue using the same?

With everything checked and a few mock runs with the behemoth bag I ordered, ultimately I started around 02:30 AM on the 9th Feb. The route plan was as follows:

  • D1 Pune – Ahmednagar – Aurangabad – Jalna – Mehkar – Karanja – Murtizapur – Amravati – Nagpur Outer (761 KM)
  • D2 NO – Sambalpur (559 KM)
  • D3 Sambalpur to Kharagpur (450 KM)


Started around 02:30 AM with the odometer reading 07943 and reached destination around 05:30 PM. Not much of hotel or eateries are present in this stretch, though the road surface is excellent, but two laned at various places, The stretch between Murtizapur to Karanja is riddled with potholes of varied size and causes considerable loss of patience. Since I had been riding long, Took a big break at Hotel Parivar around 10:30 AM and completed the lunch. The fact that I had to travel towards WB, I avoided Nagpur city and looked for accommodation around the Nagpur Outer. I stayed at a place called Balaji Lodge, which had a secured parking and option of dining.


Did not check at what time I had started but the morning ride was fun and took my first break at Mathni toll for the customary bag alignment. After Bhandara, observed some huge traffic jams which was complicated further post the overnight rains. Thankfully I could wriggle around, but with a loaded Bullet, there is always the risk to topple over! Took the lunch break post Lakhoti around 12 but the place was devoid of proper food and so were the roads. Anyways the Alu parathas tasted awesome and gave me the required energy to push forward. After reaching Sambalpur around 6 PM, I tried to check in to Hotel Dolphin which is just a few meters off Birsa Munda Circle. The experience over there was very bad and even after filling in the details etc, I decided to move out. I had the feeling that the hotel receptionist is not keen to welcome a guest, rather more in getting rid! Anyways, the local people advised me to go towards the Square, where plenty of accommodations are available. This was approximately 3 kms but since I had to reattach the bags, it exhausted me a lot. Hotel Saket welcomed me and the fact that the owner himself rides a Royal Enfield, helped me get a better deal along with a secured basement parking. In fact, not much hotels on this stretch has a secured parking and therefore I recommend this place. I had checked in around 7 PM.

Continue reading BHPian majumdarda’s post for more insights and information.

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